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80% of Women Who Communicated with Their Unborn Babies had Specific Events of Mommy-Baby Communication

(Sept. 15, 2022. Carmichael, CA) “Pregnant moms are often busy preparing their baby’s room, wardrobe, and registry but the most important thing to pay attention to is how their baby is communicating with them,” Donna Schwontkowski, author of the new book The Womb Diaries. All Mommy-Baby Communication Starts Here said.

“Just as adults have different love languages, babies do too,” she continued. “The baby is living in a very interesting environment where thoughts, emotions, and hormones are converted to electric signals that are immediately perceived either by the baby’s nervous system or his body cells. This is the reason why a baby’s responses to his environment are immediate and not delayed. The immediate response makes moms feel as if there’s a two-way communication occurring, and it’s the foundation of the new, solid relationship.”

“Just as adults have different love languages, babies do too,” she continued. “The baby is living in a very interesting environment where thoughts, emotions, and hormones are converted to electric signals that are immediately perceived either by the baby’s nervous system or his body cells. This is the reason why a baby’s responses to his environment are immediate and not delayed. The immediate response makes moms feel as if there’s a two-way communication occurring, and it’s the foundation of the new, solid relationship.”

Schwontkowski collected stories of mommy-baby communication in the womb from 25 women living in different countries and analyzed their communication on 52 different indices.

“One of my favorite findings is that 80% of the moms had specific and defined moments of mommy-baby communication that were quite extraordinary. Amongst the 20 women, there were 51 moments. Seventy-five percent of the moms had 1, 2, or 3 of these moments, and six of the moms each had 3 separate moments. One mom had seven moments. These moments were purposeful, often transformative, revelatory, or comforting. They occurred during all trimesters.

The specific and defined moments of mommy-baby communication were sensory-oriented, affecting Mom’s dreams or visions, sense of hearing, emotions, sense of touch (through kicking), sense of taste, and general sensations (such as via impressions). When these moments occurred, the message mom received was clear and to the point. The baby only “hinted” at the message in a few dreams, which resulted in the mom contemplating what she had dreamt.

The specific and defined moments occurred without regard to the mom’s medical status; for example, if she was well fed or barely had enough to eat, the unborn baby made a way to get through to her with its form of communication.

“The kicks and movements in the womb have purpose and give us a clue that the unborn baby’s intelligence is far greater than what was once believed. They show us that the baby is truly 100% human from a very early age – and wants to communicate,” she said. “The kicks are one of the forms of the baby’s language.”

Some of the types of specific events of mommy-baby communication included:

• Dislikes Expressed
The baby telling its mother about its strong dislike for her placing her cell phone on her belly by moving as far away from the cell phone as possible. Other dislikes that were expressed included not kicking to say hello when a stranger placed his or her hand on the baby bump and going silent when someone mom didn’t like was having a discussion with her, as if to listen and determine what was happening.

• Dreams
Dreams can be frightening at times. Some moms dreamed their babies were stolen by people they didn’t know. One mom dreamed she had to force her child to come with her and then in a later dream she came across a beautiful child who was lost. She asked the girl to come with her but the girl chose a toy instead. This was the only case where a baby seemed to be giving a parent the message that she did not want to be born.

• Telling Mom Baby’s Name
One mom explained how her baby said, “My name in Brandon and I’m looking forward to having you be my mom.” She heard his voice inside her head. Another mom’s baby told her his name was Theodore and she responded, “Like the chipmunk?” The baby answered yes.

• Warning Mom of Danger
One mother was starting to go down a flight of stairs when the baby’s kick was strong enough to stop her. As she was recovering from the painful jab, she noticed there were water puddles on the stairs that would have easily caused her to slip. Another mom was up in a cherry tree picking cherries and decided to come down. She was faced with a sudden, unexplained sense of fear and the thought that she might have a miscarriage. Her pregnancy was not confirmed at the time.

• Telling Mom to Do Something
One mom confided that she had been suicidal during her pregnancy and she received impressions from her baby to get the help that was needed. Another mom received a message from the baby to hurry because they were running late on their usual trip to the garden.

“What these messages tell us is that the unborn baby is a lot more developed in many ways than what we have realized in the past. The unborn almost always wants to have a relationship with the mom, work with her, make her life easier, tell Mom his personalities, and continue to grow and develop. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship,” Schwontkowski said.

Her book, The Womb Diaries. All Mommy-Baby Communication Starts Here is available at TheWombDiaries.com
Contact Dr. Donna Schwontkowski at 916-649-8323 or via email at [email protected]

The Womb Diaries

For decades, there has been a silence in the land about mommy-baby communication in the womb

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